WGOB Events and Workshops

Member Showcase

Sep 282022

#BoardDiversity Matters: Agents of Change – Judith Athaide

By |September 28th, 2022|Member Showcase|

Women Get On Board Inc. (WGOB) is a member-based company that connects, promotes and empowers women on corporate boards. This is the fourth WGOB member showcase on #BoardDiversityMatters - Agents of Change, our series that profiles our WGOB members who are taking exemplary actions to champion board diversity. Corporate director Judith Athaide still thinks about a girl scout activity from back when she was a child. It was a relatively simple game. Each girl was given a list of twenty survival items, and she was to select the ten that were most necessary to survive [...]


Jul 222024

MNP: Why ESG matters

By |July 22nd, 2024|Publications|

ESG has become table stakes — no matter what industry or sector your business operates in. In their fireside chat at WGOB Summit Toronto, MNP’s Mary Larson and Edward Olson discussed why ESG matters, and unpacked the latest developments in the ESG landscape.

To share their insights, MNP, an Empower Sponsor for WGOB Summit Toronto, recently released a summary conversation, which includes analysis of five emerging ESG factors to consider.

Read it here: Fireside chat: Why ESG matters

Jul 102024

The Purpose of Governance: Bridging the Say-Do Gap

By |July 10th, 2024|Publications|

As more companies clarify their purpose as their meaningful reason to exist, their boards are beginning to broaden their oversight role to include purpose. This is referred to as “Purpose Governance” —and it is essential to put organizations and society on a sustainable footing.

In a recent article for Sustainable Brands, Coro Strandberg explains that if boards acknowledge their fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interest of a company as defined by its purpose—and work with management to adopt a social purpose as the company’s reason for being and have oversight of the purpose—it can help propel the purpose economy into […]


I have greatly appreciated WGOB as I have transitioned my career to board work. WGOB continues to be a source of great information and provides a sense of community.

Anne-Marie Vanier, Board Director at Gore Mutual Insurance and LawPRO Independent Director and Consulting Actuary of AMVanier Consulting

As I continue to work with the organization (WGOB), I can share with you this is an amazing firm with specially skilled professionals who are devoted to its membership and ensuring that they provide the resources to help foster the excellence of board governance. Deborah, her team, and her panel of subject matter expert presenters take great responsibility in delivering content that is timely and relevant.

Bonnie Chwartacki, Corporate Board Director | Executive Leader

I have appreciated the ongoing support of Deborah since joining WGOB. The events/programs and networking opportunities offered are very beneficial.

Shari Mogk-Edwards, Founder, Shari’s Picks Consulting

This [shortlist report] is a first class package, process and outcome! The results exceeded expectations as we have sourced our last two board members, not to mention a roster of first class candidates, through WGOB — so thank you!

George Horhota, B.A., J.D.,ICD.D. , Co-Founder at The Brockton - Cowork Management Services

Terrific Women Get On Board workshop, with 20 executive leaders. Packed with practical, actionable insights. Networking off the charts! Session facilitated by Deborah Rosati FCPA, FCA, ICD.D & Kelly McDougald, Corporate Director in Residence. A good morning investment. Consider becoming a member if you are a Woman seeking BOD/BOG appointments.

Gail Johnson Morris, MBA, DBA, Board of Governors, Durham College

I am excited and honoured for my appointment to Chair of the Board for OPG. Although I possessed the requisite experience and skills for my board positions, WGOB facilitated the expansion of my network and broadened my opportunities.

Wendy Kei, CPA, CA, ICD.D, Chair of the Board for Ontario Power Generation Department of Audit Committee at Transport Canada - Transports Canada
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