Individual Membership

Women Get On Board’s membership has grown to over 950 members across Canada. Our membership consists of women business leaders that are currently leading and serving on corporate boards of public or private companies, crown corporations, municipal and not-for-profit boards and women who are preparing to become board-ready. Our members have a broad range of skills & expertise in diverse industry sectors including financial services, technology, professional services, retail, consumer, mining, healthcare, cannabis and fin-tech.


We connect, promote and empower our members with the following benefits:

  • Complimentary access to virtual WGOB events
  • Member discounts for all of our Programs (WGOB Chairs Forum, WGOB Mentorship Program and WGOB Financial Intelligence in the Boardroom Program)
  • Member discount to our annual WGOB Summit (in-person)
  • Exclusive access to our new WGOB Board Resume Service
  • Thought leadership resources
  • Promotion through our e-blasts, website, blog and social media channels
  • Access to our bi-weekly Members Only BoardOpportunity E-blasts (distributed every second Thursday @7pm ET)
  • Access to our WGOB Community Hub and the inclusion of your member profile on our online directory for confidential board searches and board shortlist engagements
  • Promotion of your Member board appointments through our Website, Social Media Channels and monthly WGOB Member Update Emails). Share your board appointments here
  • Affiliate Partner referred rate training programs and conferences
  • A special rate for ELEVATE Executive Profiling For Corporate Directors, an offering from Broad Reach Communications designed to position WGOB members as sought-after board candidates
  • Discount with Plexman Photography for your headshot.

Fee: $300

Supporting Partner

Supporting Partners are men and women who support the advancement of women to corporate boards.

  • Complimentary access to WGOB events—in-person or virtual;
  • Access to our bi-weekly Members Only Board Opportunity E-blasts (distributed every second Thursday @7pm ET);
  • Promotion through our e-blasts, website, blog and social media channels;
  • Discount with Plexman Photography; and
  • Platform to promote board opportunities with WGOB members.

Fee: $250

Corporate Membership

Corporate membership is for a group of women at a company, firm or organization that supports the advancement of women to corporate boards. We customize all corporate memberships to ensure the benefits align with the corporate goals. Below are some benefits that would be included in your corporate membership:

  • Virtual Lunch and Learn for your women leaders (offered for the first year of membership);
  • Opportunity to promote the advancement of women to corporate boards as part of your Diversity & Inclusion Culture;
  • Corporate profile on our website; and
  • Announcement of your corporate membership across our social media channels.