Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate

International Board Director Competency Designation (IBDC.D)

Do you know how many professionals are ‘Board ready,’ but never land a Board seat? A lot. Too many to count for aspiring Directors.

Even experienced Directors are losing their favorable position for future Board seat appointments by not keeping current with effective Board Candidate ‘packaging’ principles and modern Board Director operations practices.

Who benefits from this Education & Certification Course?

Aspiring Directors looking to gain a comprehensive understanding of Board operations, decisioning processes, and structure.

Experienced Directors with the desire to increase their own knowledge above what they have experienced as well as elevate and apply modern concepts to the Boards they serve.

Any level of Director (aspiring to experienced) looking to fully understand modern Board Director Candidate packaging and marketing to land additional or their first Board seat(s).

For Aspiring & Experienced Directors.

Download the course curriculum.

Program Options

Internationally Recognized Certification

Get both the modern Board Director Candidate packaging AND modern Board operations knowledge all in one shot while ALSO earning your globally recognized International Board Director Competency Designation (IBDC.D) certification.